Keen Insights

21 Steps to Shaping an Organizational Culture- Part 2

A healthy Organizational Culture is necessary for the workplace, virtually or live to function in today’s world. Having a healthy, constructive corporate culture is necessary for organizational success. Shaping an intentional culture unlocks the wealth...

Cultural Alignment: Developing a Peak Performance Culture

Ignite Culture by Creating a Compelling Vision

The best way to improve employee engagement and create a winning corporate culture is to articulate the purpose and mission of the organization in a way that inspires people to be all in. That being said, gaining employee buy-in takes more than a steady...

5 Elements of an Award Winning Culture

Renowned work cultures don’t happen by accident. Organizations with healthy, winning cultures are purposeful in designing, creating, and nurturing an environment where employees feel valued, are productive, and enjoy coming to work. The magic behind a...

Work Culture Expectations vs. Reality

Far too many companies of varying sizes today are hampered by the fact that employees’ cultural reality does not meet their expectations. As a result, managers, Human Resources teams, parents, spouses, significant others and friends all are hearing this:

8 Steps to Transform your Corporate Culture

The engagement level of your workforce expands beyond the limits of offering tangibles such as a great benefits package, competitive market rates, flexible work schedules and challenging projects. Your company culture is truly your competitive advantage.

Cultural Alignment [INFOGRAPHIC]

The life of your company depends on the culture you inspire.

Conscious Hiring™

The Strategic Approach to Hiring the Right People. More than any other period in history, hiring the right person for any key role has become increasingly important for building, growing, and scaling a successful company. There is no magic “talent pool�?...