Keen Insights

Should You Hire People Smarter Than You?

It's one of the pieces of wisdom you read in business magazines. Hire people smarter than you. You hear it from motivational speakers, successful entrepreneurs, and people who like to give advice on any topic. "The secret of my success was hiring people...

Hiring Great Recruiters Is No Accident

I've had the pleasure of following Michael Homula's series on hiring great talent. Michael is a recruiting guru just across Lake Michigan who works with companies on building world-class recruiting teams.

Hiring Rainmakers Is No Picnic

The topic of the month is discernment. I'm putting a focus on the ways that we as recruiters filter candidates, because ultimately this is what we're paid to do.

Hiring People Is Job Number One

Ask any entrepreneur what keeps them up at night, and their answer will be "hiring the right people." The composition of your staff is the single biggest predictor of your success as a business owner, but it's also one of the most misunderstood areas.

Whose Job Market Is In Anyway?

Why are so many companies putting candidates through the ringer when there are clearly more jobs available than there are qualified candidates? That IS precisely why. While the job market is in total flux and companies are vying and or even dying to fill...

Learning To Hire The Best

The Shoemaker's kids go around with holes in their shoes. I hear this repeatedly as an analogy for how recruitment companies run and operate. People, production, performance, motivation and integrity issues, dysfunction, no teamwork, inconsistency, and...