Keen Insights

5 Elements of an Award Winning Culture

Renowned work cultures don’t happen by accident. Organizations with healthy, winning cultures are purposeful in designing, creating, and nurturing an environment where employees feel valued, are productive, and enjoy coming to work. The magic behind a...

Five Ways to Keep Millennial Employees Engaged at Work

Millennial employees are three times more likely to change jobs than their non-millennial counterparts, according to a recent Gallup report on millennials in the workplace. This turnover comes at a high price, costing the U.S. economy an estimated $30.5...

Role Alignment is Key to Employee Engagement

5 Myths of Employee Retention

There are five prevalent myths disrupting your employee retention.

Employee Engagement, Empowerment, and Optimization

As the steward of your organization’s people practices, you know people truly are your only competitive advantage.

How Do Your Employees Perceive their Worth At Work?

Progressive companies with a talent mindset are implementing customized people-centric on boarding programs, tailoring their employee development models to the individual needs of their people and realigning how they think about performance management....

Should You Hire People Smarter Than You?

It's one of the pieces of wisdom you read in business magazines. Hire people smarter than you. You hear it from motivational speakers, successful entrepreneurs, and people who like to give advice on any topic. "The secret of my success was hiring people...

Win Win In Winning The War For Talent

Win/Win is not a technique; it’s a total philosophy of human interaction (It is a way of being). In fact, in Stephen Covey’s book, Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, he quotes that “it is one of six paradigms of interaction.�? The alternative...