Keen Insights

What Is RPI-Recruitment Process In-Sourcing

Without a doubt, the world is starved for high performing mission critical, key contributor and next level leadership talent. Companies are scrambling to create recruitment and retention strategies that bring forth and engage this population. With the...

Are You Assessing Your Assets?

Benchmarking your employees and finding out what actually works is a vital skill for today's human resources division. Media from the Wall Street Journal, to CNN, and CEO's with whom I’ve spoken agree that one of the top strategic initiatives of many...

Win Win In Winning The War For Talent

Win/Win is not a technique; it’s a total philosophy of human interaction (It is a way of being). In fact, in Stephen Covey’s book, Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, he quotes that “it is one of six paradigms of interaction.�? The alternative...