Keen Insights

Why Use an Assessment Tool?

600,000 to 9000 career vacancies are attributable to a mismatch between the skills employers seek and those available in the market. With 4.6 unemployed people for every job opening in the U.S. and an average of 3.5 million critical skills employees...

Recruitment: Why Change is Good

Global employment is changing rapidly. Within the last 20 years, we've witnessed highs and lows that have redefined the way talent is acquired, assessed, and implemented into the various business environments of the modern world. This change has been a...

If the Job Could Talk...

By Bill J. Bonnstetter JOB TALK If a job could talk, it would explain precisely what was necessary to achieve superior performance. We could ask it to tell us about the: Knowledge a person needs, Personal attributes required to drive success, Rewards...

It's Soon Time For The Dreaded Annual Performance Reviews!

I can see every Manager I know wincing with anticipation. No one likes to give performance reviews. Why is that?

How Can You Improve Performance Metrics and Employee Productivity?

A study of the Corporate Executive Board found that since the recession began, managers have become less effective at defining employees roles and accountability. Before the recession, only 60% of employees said their managers did an okay job of...

Are You Assessing Your Assets?

Benchmarking your employees and finding out what actually works is a vital skill for today's human resources division. Media from the Wall Street Journal, to CNN, and CEO's with whom I’ve spoken agree that one of the top strategic initiatives of many...